A downloadable game

Project submission for Climate Jam 2024

Greenwashing: The act or practice of making a product, policy, activity, etc. appear to be more environmentally friendly or less environmentally damaging than it really is.

You're a middle manager at a greenwashing corporation, and it's your job to make sure sales are up. False marketing claims and misleading labels are your bread and butter, and they drive sales like nothing else. But your corporate office is teeming with auditors from the EPA! Can you sneak around the cubicles and get the job done right under their noses? 

[Project GetThatGreen] explores the flawed corporate and personal incentives that perpetuate the climate counter movement from the perspective of someone on the inside of one of these companies. 

Published 12 days ago
Authorsandrewmshapiro, lshap

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